

Mister Michelle
Strange Dirt

june 7 - july 14, 2019



Powerful females spreading truth through creation has been a common theme of Skye Gallery Aspen and the upcoming show this summer will be no different. Opening June 7th and kicking off the summer season, Metamorphosis embodies this idea. The group exhibition shows works on paper by three mystical, powerful, talented, female hands. In traditional Skye Gallery form, we are bringing you the feminine - this show will be the epitome of gallerist Skye Weinglass's vision for her space. 

The work of Merakilabbe (Vanja Vukelic), Strange Dirt (MarSha Yi Robinson) and Mister Michelle (Michelle Robinson) creates Metamorphosis, an embodiment of transformation and rebirth. They are a voluntary representation of the female strength and balance needed for harmony in the masculine world that we live in. Strong lines, female forms, and inspiration from the spiritual depths carry these works as a group show. 

In the last decade the contemporary art world has seen the explosion of expression through social media, giving emerging artists the opportunity to convey themselves instantly on a global platform. The three artists being represented in Metamorphosis have reinterpreted the role of the artist-entrepreneur, using the power of public image on social media to further spread their message. Skye Gallery is excited to be providing a physical space in Aspen, CO for the artists to show their influential works of art.

Nori Pao